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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

“Tim saw my swing one day and told me he could fix me in 15 minutes. The next day he showed me my swing and made a couple corrections, two days later I played the best round of my life. Over the next couple of months my swing and game improved I went from a 20 handicap to a 10."

Scott S. 

"I always thought taking lessons would make me worse before I get better. Coach Tim disproved this with one lesson. I had my best round after one lesson. Even though i have reverted back a bit, coach gets me back into the correct fundamentals quickly. I wish I can take him on the course with me. 

Mike G

"I swear I never was going to hit anything but a slice for my whole life. I have taken lessons for 30 years with over 15 different pros. Tim challenged me to spend 30 min with him. In 15 minutes I was hitting draws. I am 82 years old and I can't do much, but I can hit a draw everytime now" 

Dale S.

"My two sons have been in Coach Tim's program for the past two years. They can't wait to get to the club every afternoon. They have improved their games but also have found a love for golf. Coach makes sure every kid leaves with smile on their face and a swing thought to think about. Coach teaches in a low stress, high fun atmosphere, where all the children seem like they are the best." 


"Tim challeges me in every lessons to become better. He is careful not to push when I am playing well. At the same time he has a vision for my swing and game. He started small with just some putting and chipping advice ( I dropped 2 strokes off my handicap) . He then has changed my downswing, impact, backswing, set up, top of the backswing, and release. I have picked up 15 yards of carry on all my clubs and went from 9 handicap to 2. We still have 4 more to go!"

Lucas M



Quisque pulvinar aliquam libero, nec ultrices magna iaculis non. Vestibulum nec justo ut nunc euismod suscipit. Etiam id gravida metus. Sed sed nibh nec ante laoreet tristique. Nulla facilis ullamcorper vitae enimi.
Ut et mi turpis. Proin aliquam, libero at pellentesque fermentum, arcu arcu convallis tellus, a congue turpis dui a metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras pharetra dignissim ante nec congue. Donec consequat sit amet diam nec semper. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas quis urna dignissim, egestas quam quis, imperdiet lorem.


Praesent congue, sem vitae hendrerit semper, purus mi porta nisi, id mattis ante lacus sit amet augue. Cras tortor nulla, euismod sit amet dolor ac, egestas malesuada tellus. Nam porta. Maecenas quis urna dignissim lacus.
Ut et mi turpis. Proin aliquam, libero at pellentesque fermentum, arcu arcu convallis tellus, a congue turpis dui a metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras pharetra dignissim ante nec congue. Donec consequat sit amet diam nec semper. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas quis urna dignissim, egestas quam quis, imperdiet lorem.


Praesent congue, sem vitae hendrerit semper, purus mi porta nisi, id mattis ante lacus sit amet augue. Cras tortor nulla, euismod sit amet dolor ac, egestas malesuada tellus. Nam porta. Maecenas quis urna dignissim lacus.
Ut et mi turpis. Proin aliquam, libero at pellentesque fermentum, arcu arcu convallis tellus, a congue turpis dui a metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras pharetra dignissim ante nec congue. Donec consequat sit amet diam nec semper. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas quis urna dignissim, egestas quam quis, imperdiet lorem.


Praesent eu rutrum nunc. Proin vitae lorem eget tellus volutpat placerat. Etiam posuere libero leo, sit amet facilisis tortor elementum id. Aenean quis tincidunt arcu, sed iaculis dolor. Maecenas quis urna dignissim egestas.
Ut et mi turpis. Proin aliquam, libero at pellentesque fermentum, arcu arcu convallis tellus, a congue turpis dui a metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras pharetra dignissim ante nec congue. Donec consequat sit amet diam nec semper. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas quis urna dignissim, egestas quam quis, imperdiet lorem.


“Tim saw my swing one day and told me he could fix me in 15 minutes. The next day he showed me my swing and made a couple corrections, two days later I played the best round of my life. Over the next couple of months my swing and game improved I went from a 20 handicap to a 10."

Scott S. 

"I always thought taking lessons would make me worse before I get better. Coach Tim disproved this with one lesson. I had my best round after one lesson. Even though i have reverted back a bit, coach gets me back into the correct fundamentals quickly. I wish I can take him on the course with me. 

Mike G

"I swear I never was going to hit anything but a slice for my whole life. I have taken lessons for 30 years with over 15 different pros. Tim challenged me to spend 30 min with him. In 15 minutes I was hitting draws. I am 82 years old and I can't do much, but I can hit a draw everytime now" 

Dale S.

"My two sons have been in Coach Tim's program for the past two years. They can't wait to get to the club every afternoon. They have improved their games but also have found a love for golf. Coach makes sure every kid leaves with smile on their face and a swing thought to think about. Coach teaches in a low stress, high fun atmosphere, where all the children seem like they are the best." 


"Tim challeges me in every lessons to become better. He is careful not to push when I am playing well. At the same time he has a vision for my swing and game. He started small with just some putting and chipping advice ( I dropped 2 strokes off my handicap) . He then has changed my downswing, impact, backswing, set up, top of the backswing, and release. I have picked up 15 yards of carry on all my clubs and went from 9 handicap to 2. We still have 4 more to go!" - Lucas M


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