Distance and Direction to better scoring
By Tim Mahoney
All gofers no matter what the handicap level should attempt to control distance and direction. An improvement in consistency is the effect of a compatible golf swing. When golfers attempt swing changes without regard to keeping a balanced or compatible swing, inconsistency is the result. Golf swings can be upright, Jack Nicklaus, flat Ben Hogan, shut face David Duval or an open face Nancy Lopez; as long as all the parts are compatible consistency is the result.
A weak grip should be balanced with a forward ball position, centered pivot, open face, swing path that is out to in and aggressive hand action through impact. A stronger grip should be balanced with a centered ball position, closed face, path from in to out and an aggressive body motion through impact.
There has never been a perfect golf swing, and probably never will. Keep your golf swing balanced and compatible and you will have consistent results.
Golfers are constantly striving for more distance. Trying out new clubs, improved physical conditioning and the latest secret in a golf publication in an attempt to add an extra 10-20 yards. All of these changes are good, but the number one influence on distance is a combination of club head speed and solid contact. One without the other simply results in short off line tee-shots.
Speed is the effect of wristcock, arm swing and torso turn. Maximize all power sources in a balanced manner will result in an increase in speed. Solid contact is the result of a path that is from the inside to along to inside. Swing the club on the manufactured angle with the arms in front of the trunk will produce the correct path, resulting in a square hit.
All golfers should be striving for balanced controlled distance for improved scoring. Club head speed combined with solid contact is a guaranteed means of increased distance.