How to Aim
By Tim Mahoney
A perfectly struck shot with an imperfect aim results in an imperfect result. An imperfect shot with a perfect aim could result in a perfect shot. The art of aiming I believe is the single most difficult aspect in the game, due to the fact that the golfer is inside and above the ball line. I have been in the instruction arena for over 30 years and have tried every aiming tip with my students, and have come up with the conclusion that all good aimers have 2 common traits: a consistent ball flight and they always aim the clubface first and body second.
Consistent Ball Flight
Golf swing and pre swing compatibility will develop a consistent ball flight. For an example: strong grip, centered ball position, body supports golf club and a reverse K posture these alignments will produce a controlled draw. Conversely, a weaker grip, forward ball position, X posture and an arm control will produce a controlled fade. Uncontrolled ball flights make a consistent aim impossible. Hooks followed by a slice develop an atmosphere where it is impossible to aim. Develop a consistent ball flight and then develop your game plan for aiming.
Clubface Followed by Torso
The only contact with the ball is the clubface. Consistent aimers align the club first followed by the torso. Step 1 of a consistent aimer is positioning the clubface behind the ball with the completed grip. During this alignment the golfer must align the leading edge at right angle to the target line. After successfully aligning the clubface the golfer must position the body parallel to the intended starting line. The golf ball and club head would be on the outside rail of a railroad track with the body on the inside rail. The body will be parallel left. A line across the eyes, shoulders, forearms, hips, knees and feet must be aligned parallel left. Inconsistent aimers consistently check there feet, when the feet are only 1 piece of the aiming puzzle. Aiming is guaranteed if you aim the leading edge at your intended target line and then aim your body parts parallel left. Your golf club will approach the impact area on a line across your shoulders; as a result it is an imperative that the golfers position their trunk parallel left.
Develop a consistent ball fight with a compatible set of pre-swing and in swing fundamentals and as you aim, position the club with your body aligned parallel left. Consistent aiming is the effect of a consistent ball-flight not the cause.