Our tools give you the power to easily add/modify the content of your website, putting the power into your hands!
Easily add pages, images, documents, links, tables, videos, etc... We give you the training to take control of your content and make the most of the front door to your business.
Easy to use, and easy to manage, you can take control with our advanced and mobile-friendly calendar systems.
Rearrange your schedule by clicking and dragging appointments, create lesson packages and clinics, accept payments online or at the lesson...
Upload an analysis video to your website in 1 click after you stop recording from your Motion Analysis Software!
We've done everything to keep our software out of the way of your instruction. Keep our tools running in the background and let them do all the hard work for you. Easy as can be!
Easily input & recall personal & golf info, videos, club fitting data, launch monitor info, image galleries and more!
Easily share your Profile with other instructors, College Scouts, friends, or Grandma. Our profiles are extendable and can store all your golf info with ease! All your stats and info in one place.
The #1 Golf Swing Analysis Software. Find out why more top golf professionals choose JC Video than all others combined...
An important component in any lesson is visual feedback, and our instant video replay sets the mental image for the student to alter their swing where traditional instruction without video fails.
Follow your student’s game and find how to further improve their golf scores by using our Shot Tracking software.
Fire up our shot tracker on your iPad and fill in your stats as you play! Simple and still thorough, we report on over 120 different aspects of your game and push reports to your Student Profile.
Use your website to make money! Our powerful cart tools allow you to sell merchandise, lessons, memberships, and more!
One of the most powerful, user-friendly, and flexible shopping carts available anywhere. Easy to use and easy to maintain, tie your cart with PayPal for the ultimate in reliability and features!
Have Students send videos and swing info from afar, and easily import them for immediate analysis and create revenue!
Students can send swings to you easily, then you can open them directly in our Analysis Software! Use our Toolbox to send their analysis back and complete the lesson. (Cart Required)